Buy Zyrop online is used in treatment of anaemia condition  


Zyrop (Erythropoietin) a glycoprotein that control erythropioesis or red blood cell production. It is the cytokine for erythrocyte precursors in the bone marrow. It is produced by interstitial fibroblast in the kidney in close involvement with pertubular capillary and tubular epithelial tubule.

Zyrop is responsible for brain’s response to neuronal injury. It also involved in the wound healing process. When exogenous EPO is used as a performance-enhancing drug, it is classified as an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent. Zyrop is an essential hormone to produce red cell. In hypoxic condition, the kidney will produce an erythropoietin to increase the quantity of red blood cells.


Zyrop is a clear, colorless liquid that must be kept in cool place in refrigerator. Zyrob is dosage in per kilogram of weight, staring at 150 units per kilograms of body weight administered three times per week. This dosage can be increased to 300 units per kilogram of weight three times a week.


• Blood pressure should also be monitored regularly while on erythropoietin. Patients who have high blood pressure that is not under control should not use erythropoietin.

• Blood counts will be monitored before receiving erythropoietin and regularly while on the drug erythropoietin. This allows the doctor to determine if patients are candidates for this treatment and if the dose the patient is receiving needs to be increased or decreased.

• It is not recommended to give erythropoietin to patients who have cancer, such as leukemias, arising from their bone marrow.

• Patients with a known previous allergic reaction to erythropoietin or the drug albumin should tell their doctor.

• Patients who may be pregnant or trying to become pregnant should tell their doctor before receiving erythropoietin.

• Patients may be instructed to take oral iron tablets while on erythropoietin to increase the drug’s effectiveness.


A common side effect due to erythropoietin administration is pain or burning at the site of the injection. This can be decreased by making sure that the erythropoietin is at room temperature before giving the infection. Ice can be placed in the area of injection to numb it before receiving the shot, and the site of injection should be changed with each shot.

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